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#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> struct foo_t { void bar(int, double) const { std::cout << "const!" << std::endl; } void bar(short, float) { std::cout << "non-const!" << std::endl; } }; template <typename R, typename C, typename ... P> constexpr auto get_const_method_ptr(R(C::*method)(P...) const) { return static_cast<decltype(method)>(method); } template <typename R, typename C, typename ... P> constexpr auto get_non_const_method_ptr(R(C::*method)(P...)) { return static_cast<decltype(method)>(method); } template <typename R, typename C, typename ... P> constexpr bool is_const_method(R(C::*)(P...) const) { return true; } template <typename R, typename C, typename ... P> constexpr bool is_const_method(R(C::*)(P...)) { return false; } template <typename C, typename R, typename... P> std::tuple<P...> method_args(R(C::*)(P...)){ return std::tuple<P...>(); } template <typename C, typename R, typename... P> std::tuple<P...> method_args(R(C::*)(P...) const) { return std::tuple<P...>(); } static constexpr auto bar_const_ptr = get_const_method_ptr(&foo_t::bar); // nur 1 Angabe static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(bar_const_ptr), void (foo_t::* const)(int, double) const>, "wrong"); constexpr auto bar_const_is_const = is_const_method(bar_const_ptr); static_assert(bar_const_is_const, "wrong"); using bar_const_parameter = decltype(method_args(bar_const_ptr)); static constexpr auto bar_ptr = get_non_const_method_ptr(&foo_t::bar); // nur 1 Angabe static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(bar_ptr), void (foo_t::* const)(short, float)>, "wrong"); constexpr auto bar_is_const = is_const_method(bar_ptr); static_assert(!bar_is_const, "wrong"); using bar_parameter = decltype(method_args(bar_ptr)); int main() { foo_t f; (&f->*bar_const_ptr)(10, 10.10); (&f->*bar_ptr)(1, 20.20f); return 0; }

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