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import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { new Main().testDice(); } private int roll20(Random rand) { return rand.nextInt(20) + 1; } private class TestResults { final String name; final double averageRoll; final int modeRoll; final int medianRoll; final double variance; final int low; final int high; double standardDeviation() { return Math.sqrt(variance); } public TestResults(String name, int[] rolls) { = name; Arrays.sort(rolls); int median = rolls[rolls.length / 2]; int iAverage = 0; int[] outcomes = new int[20]; Arrays.fill(outcomes, 0); for(int roll : rolls) { iAverage += roll; outcomes[roll - 1]++; } averageRoll = iAverage / (double)rolls.length; double dVariance = 0; for(int roll : rolls) { dVariance += Math.pow(roll - averageRoll, 2); } dVariance /= rolls.length; int max = 0; int maxRoll = 0; for(int i = 0; i < outcomes.length; i++) { if(outcomes[i] > max) { maxRoll = i; max = outcomes[i]; } } modeRoll = maxRoll + 1; medianRoll = median; variance = dVariance; low = rolls[(int)(rolls.length * 0.025)]; high = rolls[(int)(rolls.length * 0.975)]; } void print() { System.out.println("ResultSet: " + name); System.out.println(toString()); } public String toString() { String out = ""; out += " " + "Average: " + averageRoll + "\n"; out += " " + "Variance: " + variance + "\n"; out += " " + "Std. Deviation: " + standardDeviation() + "\n"; out += " " + "95% range: [" + low + ", " + high + "]\n"; out += " " + "Mode: " + modeRoll + "\n"; out += " " + "Median: " + medianRoll + "\n"; return out; } } private TestResults normal(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Normal", rolls); } private TestResults advantage(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); int roll2 = roll20(rand); roll = Math.max(roll, roll2); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Advantage", rolls); } private TestResults disadvantage(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); int roll2 = roll20(rand); roll = Math.min(roll, roll2); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Disadvantage", rolls); } private TestResults advantage2(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); int roll2 = roll20(rand); int roll3 = roll20(rand); roll = Math.max(Math.max(roll, roll2), roll3); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Double Advantage", rolls); } private TestResults disadvantage2(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); int roll2 = roll20(rand); int roll3 = roll20(rand); roll = Math.min(Math.min(roll, roll2), roll3); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Double Disadvantage", rolls); } private TestResults advantage2alt(int trials) { Random rand = new Random(); int[] rolls = new int[trials]; for(int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { int roll = roll20(rand); int roll2 = roll20(rand); if(roll < roll2) { roll = roll20(rand); } else { roll2 = roll20(rand); } roll = Math.max(roll, roll2); rolls[i] = roll; } return new TestResults("Alternate Double Advantage", rolls); } public void testDice() { TestResults[] results = new TestResults[]{ normal(1_000_000), advantage(1_000_000), disadvantage(1_000_000), advantage2(1_000_000), disadvantage2(1_000_000), advantage2alt(1_000_000), }; for(TestResults result : results) { result.print(); } } }

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