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#include <stdlib.h> /* * TODO: A lot of code missing here. You will need to add implementations for * all the functions described in list.h here. * * Start by adding the definitions for the list and node structs. You may * implement any of the Linked List versions discussed in the lecture, which * have some different trade-offs for the functions you will need to write. * * Note: The function prototypes in list.h assume the most basic Singly Linked * List. If you build some other version, you may not need all of the function * arguments for all of the described functions. This will produce a warning, * which you can suppress by adding a simple if-statement to check the value * of the unused parameter. * * Also, do not forget to add any required includes at the top of your file. */ /* Linked list data structure. */ struct list { struct node* head; }; /* List node structure. */ struct node { int data; struct node* next; }; /* Creates a new linked list and returns a pointer to it. * Returns NULL on failure. */ struct list* list_init(void) { struct list* l; l = malloc(sizeof(struct list)); if (!l) { return NULL; } else { l -> head = NULL; return l; } } /* Creates a new node that contains the number num and returns a pointer to it. * Returns NULL on failure. */ struct node* list_new_node(int num) { struct node * n; n = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if (!n) { return NULL; } else { n -> data = num; return n; } } /* Returns the first node of the list L or NULL if list is empty. */ struct node* list_head(struct list* l) { return l -> head; } /* Returns a pointer to the node after node N or NULL if N is the last node in * the list. */ struct node* list_next(struct node* n) { if (!n) { return NULL; } else { return n -> next; } } /* Inserts node N at the front of list L. * Returns 0 if N was succesfully inserted, 1 otherwise. */ int list_add_front(struct list* l, struct node* n) { if (!l) { return 1; } else { if (l -> head == NULL) { l -> head = n; return 0; } else { n -> next = l -> head; l -> head = n; } return 0; } } /* Returns the last node of the list L or NULL if list is empty. */ struct node* list_tail(struct list* l) { struct node* currentnode = list_head(l); struct node* nextnode = currentnode; while (nextnode != NULL) { currentnode = nextnode; nextnode = list_next(currentnode); } return currentnode; } /* Returns a pointer to the node before node N in the list L, or returns NULL * if N is the first node in the list or if N is not in the list at all. */ struct node* list_prev(struct list* l, struct node* n) { struct node* currentnode = list_head(l); if (currentnode == n) { return NULL; } else { struct node* previousnode = currentnode; while (currentnode != n) { previousnode = currentnode; currentnode = list_next(previousnode); } return previousnode; } } int list_add_back(struct list* l, struct node* n) { if (!l || !n) { return 1; } struct node* tail_node = list_tail(l); tail_node -> next = n; return 0; } int list_node_value(struct node* n) { if (!n) { return 0; } else { return n -> data; } } /* Unlink node N from list L. After unlinking, the list L contains no pointers * to the node N and N contains no pointers to nodes in L. * Returns 0 if N was succesfully unlinked from list L, or 1 otherwise */ int list_unlink_node(struct list* l, struct node* n) { if (!l || !n) { return 1; } // Link previous node with next_node; struct node* prev_node = list_prev(l, n); prev_node -> next = list_next(n); n -> next = NULL; return 0; } void list_free_node(struct node* n) { if (n) { free(n); } } int list_cleanup(struct list* l) { if (l == NULL) { return 1; } struct node* currentnode = list_head(l); struct node* nextnode = currentnode; while (nextnode) { currentnode = nextnode; list_free_node(currentnode); nextnode = list_next(nextnode); } free(l); return 0; } int list_node_present(struct list* l, struct node* n) { ; } int list_insert_after(struct list* l, struct node* n, struct node* m) { ; } int list_insert_before(struct list* l, struct node* n, struct node* m) { ; } int list_length(struct list* l) { ; } struct node* list_get_ith(struct list* l, int i) { ; } struct list* list_cut_after(struct list* l, struct node* n) { ; } int main() { struct list* l = list_init(); struct node* nn = list_new_node(2); printf("l address: %p \n", l); printf("n address: %p \n", nn); list_add_front(l, nn); struct node* headnode = list_head(l); struct node* nn2 = list_new_node(2); printf("n2 address: %p \n", nn2); list_add_front(l, nn2); struct node* nn3 = list_new_node(12); printf("n3 address: %p \n", nn3); list_add_front(l, nn3); struct node* nn0 = list_new_node(1); printf("n0 address: %p \n", nn0); list_add_back(l, nn0); list_cleanup(l); }

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