online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> // Collatz conjecture visualizer // © Copyright Robert White, 2019 using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = 0; char fill = '_'; int shift = 0; unsigned mode = 6; unsigned long value = 1023; auto format = [&](unsigned long v) -> string { string r(shift,fill); do {r += ((v&1)?'1':'0');} while (v >>= 1); return r; }; auto display = [&](unsigned m, char t, unsigned long v) -> void { if (m&mode) {cout << t << ':' << setw(12) << v << ": " << format(v) << endl; }}; if (argc > 1) { // first argument supplies value to process if present. int temp; std::stringstream argvalue; argvalue << string(argv[1]); argvalue >> value; } if (argc > 2) { // second argument is display mode int temp; std::stringstream argvalue; argvalue << string(argv[2]); argvalue >> mode; if (mode == 0) mode = 6; } display(0xFF,'S',value); do { if (value&1) { value *= 3; display(2,'M',value); value += 1; display(4,'I',value); // let the next pass do the divide by 2 for clarity of the shift term } else { value >>= 1; // fast divide by 2 shift++; // keep track of how many times we've divided display(1,'C',value); } } while (value > 1); display(0xFF,'F',value); return retval; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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