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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Generic; using nsStringExtensions; enum methodType { legacy , extensionMethod }; class HelloWorld { static Char delimeter = ' '; static String FORMAT_ITEM_WORDCOUNT = "{0}> {1} - [{2}]"; static void Main() { lyricBabyFaceSoonAsIGetHome(); } static void lyricBabyFaceSoonAsIGetHome() { // Create and initializes a new StringCollection. StringCollection objLyric = null; List<int> objWordCountLegacy = null; List<int> objWordCountExtensionMethod = null; objLyric = new StringCollection(); objLyric.Add("I give good love"); objLyric.Add("I'll buy your clothes"); objLyric.Add("I'll cook your dinner too (yeah)"); objLyric.Add("Soon as I get home from work"); objWordCountLegacy = wordCount ( objLyric // method type , methodType.legacy , delimeter ); Console.WriteLine("Legacy"); Console.WriteLine("------"); wordCountList ( objLyric , objWordCountLegacy , delimeter , FORMAT_ITEM_WORDCOUNT ); objWordCountExtensionMethod = wordCount ( objLyric // method type , methodType.extensionMethod , delimeter ); Console.WriteLine("extensionMethod"); Console.WriteLine("---------------"); wordCountList ( objLyric , objWordCountExtensionMethod , delimeter , FORMAT_ITEM_WORDCOUNT ); objLyric = null; objWordCountLegacy = null; objWordCountExtensionMethod = null; } static List<int> wordCount ( StringCollection lyricList , methodType methodTypeIs , Char delimeter ) { List<int> objL = new List<int>(); int iNumberOfEntries =-1; int iNumberofWords = -1; int i = 0; String strItem = null; string[] strItemArray = null; /* If object is not valid, exit function */ if (lyricList==null) { return null; } //get number of nodes in collection class iNumberOfEntries = lyricList.Count; //Iterate List for ( i = 0; i < iNumberOfEntries; i++ ) { //reset local variables iNumberofWords = -1; //Get Lyric Item strItem = lyricList[i]; /* Sanitize item before processing */ if (strItem != null) { if (methodTypeIs == methodType.legacy) { iNumberofWords = wordCount ( strItem , delimeter ); } else if (methodTypeIs == methodType.extensionMethod ) { // call extension method iNumberofWords = strItem.wordCount ( delimeter ); } } //Add Item to Array objL.Add(iNumberofWords); } return ( objL ); } static void wordCountList ( StringCollection lyricList , List<int> wordCountList , Char delimeter , String FORMAT_ITEM_WORDCOUNT ) { int iNumberOfEntries =-1; int i = 0; String strItem = null; int iWordCount = 0; String strLog = null; //get number of nodes in collection class iNumberOfEntries = lyricList.Count; //Iterate List for ( i = 0; i < iNumberOfEntries; i++ ) { //Get Lyric Item strItem = lyricList[i]; //Get Word Count iWordCount = wordCountList[i]; strLog = String.Format ( FORMAT_ITEM_WORDCOUNT , (i+1) , strItem , iWordCount ); Console.WriteLine(strLog); } } static int wordCount ( String item , Char delimeter ) { int iWordCount = -1; string[] strItemArray = null; //split item if ( ( item != null) && ( delimeter != null) ) { // using delimeter split word strItemArray = item.Split ( delimeter ); //get number of words iWordCount = strItemArray.Length; } return (iWordCount); } // method wordCount } namespace nsStringExtensions { public static class stringExtensions { public static int wordCount ( this string strItem , char delimeter = ' ' ) { int iNumberofWords =-1; string[] strItemArray = null; if ( ( strItem != null) && ( delimeter != null ) ) { //split item strItemArray = strItem.Split(delimeter); //get number of words iNumberofWords = strItemArray.Length; } return (iNumberofWords); } // method - wordCount } //class stringExtensions } //namespace - nsStringExtensions

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