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#include <inttypes.h> #include <float.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef signed char schar; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned long ulong; typedef signed long long sllong; typedef unsigned long long ullong; typedef union sfpn { float fpn; uchar raw; struct { ullong man:23; ullong exp:8; ullong sig:1; }; } sfpn; sfpn fpn_make (ulong base, ullong num, ullong fpn, long exp, long dig) { sfpn mine = { 0 }; long exp_max = FLT_MAX_EXP, pos = 0, pos_max = 23; ullong one = 1, NUM; if (dig < 1) return mine; if (num) { for (NUM = num; NUM; NUM /= base, --dig); for (NUM = num; NUM > 1 && pos < pos_max; NUM >>= 1, ++pos); for (; one <= fpn; one *= base, --dig); for (; dig > 0; one *= base, --dig); } else if (fpn) { for ( --dig; one <= fpn; one *= base, --dig ); for ( pos = -4; dig > 0; one *= base, --dig, pos -= 3 ); } else return mine; if ( exp ) { printf("exp = %ld ", exp ); if ( exp > 0 ) pos += (exp * 2); else pos += (exp * 4); mine.exp = exp_max + pos; } else mine.exp = exp_max + (pos - 1); = num; for (NUM = fpn; pos < pos_max; ++pos) { NUM *= 2; <<= 1; if (NUM >= one) { |= 1; NUM -= one; } } NUM *= 2; if ( NUM >= one ) |= 1; return mine; } int fpn_read (char *text); char *fpn_text[] = { "0", "1", "10", "100", "101", "1.1", "1.01", "1.001", "1.101", "0.1", "0.01", "0.001", "0.101", "1e+1", "1e+10", "1e+100", "1e-1", "1e-10", "1e-100", NULL }; int main () { size_t i = 0; while (fpn_text[i] && i < 15) fpn_read (fpn_text[i++]); return 0; } int fpn_read (char *text) { char *_text = text; ulong base = 10; long exp = 0, dig = 0; ullong num = 0, fpn = 0; sfpn test = { 0 }, mine = { 0 }; sscanf (text, "%f", &(test.fpn)); while (*text == '0') ++text; for (; *text >= '0' && *text <= '9'; ++text) { num *= base; num += (*text - '0'); ++dig; } if (dig < 1) dig = 1; if (*text == '.') { for (++text; *text >= '0' && *text <= '9'; ++text) { fpn *= base; fpn += (*text - '0'); ++dig; } } if (*text == 'e' || *text == 'E') { if (*(++text) == '-') { for (++text; *text >= '0' && *text <= '9'; ++text) { exp *= base; exp -= (*text - '0'); } } else { for (++text; *text >= '0' && *text <= '9'; ++text) { exp *= base; exp += (*text - '0'); } } } mine = fpn_make (base, num, fpn, exp, dig); printf ("man t = %06X m = %06X ",,; printf ("exp t = %02X m = %02X ", test.exp, mine.exp); printf ("sig t = %u m = %u\n", test.sig, mine.sig); printf ("fpn t = %e m = %e, ", test.fpn, mine.fpn); printf ("text = '%s'\n", _text); return 0; }

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