online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Debugger. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Debug" button to debug it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef void (*function) (int kk) ; class MenuItem { public: static const int MAX_ITEMS = 4; //constructor needles string name = ""; MenuItem () {} MenuItem (string title) { name = title; } //parent MenuItem *parentItem = NULL; //item handler section void setHandler (function handlerFunction) { handler = handlerFunction; }; function handler; //sub items bool active = false; MenuItem *subItems[MenuItem::MAX_ITEMS] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; bool addSubItem(MenuItem *item) { for (int k = 0; k < MenuItem::MAX_ITEMS; k++) { if (!subItems[k]) { item->parentItem = NULL; item->parentItem = this; subItems[k] = item; return true; } } return false; } }; class Display { public: static const int ACTION_ENTER = 0; static const int ACTION_BACK = 1; static const int ACTION_INCREASE = 2; static const int ACTION_DECREASE = 3; MenuItem *currentItem; void show(MenuItem item) { currentItem = NULL; currentItem = &item; cout<<currentItem->name; cout<<"\n\n"; bool hasActiveItems = false; for (int k = 0; k < MenuItem::MAX_ITEMS; k++) { if (currentItem->subItems[k]) { !hasActiveItems && (currentItem->subItems[k]->active = true); hasActiveItems = true; cout<< (currentItem->subItems[k]->active ? "> " : " ") + currentItem->subItems[k]->name; cout<<"\n\n"; } } } void processAction(int action) { int res = 1; switch (action) { case (Display::ACTION_BACK): if (&currentItem && &currentItem->parentItem != NULL) { this->show( *currentItem->parentItem ); return; } break; case (Display::ACTION_ENTER): for (int k = 0; k < MenuItem::MAX_ITEMS; k++) { if (currentItem->subItems[k] && currentItem->subItems[k]->active) { this->show( *currentItem->subItems[k] ); return; } } break; case (Display::ACTION_INCREASE): res = 3; break; case (Display::ACTION_DECREASE): res = 3; break; } } }; MenuItem menuItem("menu item 1"); MenuItem firtsItem("a 11"); int main() { firtsItem.addSubItem(new MenuItem("level 2 - 1")); firtsItem.addSubItem(new MenuItem("level 2 - 2")); menuItem.addSubItem(&firtsItem); menuItem.addSubItem(new MenuItem("b 222")); menuItem.addSubItem(new MenuItem("c 333")); menuItem.addSubItem(new MenuItem("d 444")); Display display;; display.processAction(Display::ACTION_ENTER); display.processAction(Display::ACTION_BACK); display.processAction(Display::ACTION_ENTER); return 0; }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
