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// Example program #include<iostream> #include<memory> #include<initializer_list> class circlular_double_linked_list { struct node{ int data; node* prev; std::unique_ptr<node> next; node(int data, node* prev): data{data}, prev{prev} {} ~node(){ std::cout<<"Deleting node with data: "<<data<<"\n"; } }; node* head; public: circlular_double_linked_list(std::initializer_list<int> list){ if (list.size()==0){ head=nullptr; return; } auto it = list.begin(); head = new node(*it, nullptr); auto curr_node = head; it++; while(it != list.end()){ curr_node->next = std::make_unique<node>(*it, curr_node); curr_node = curr_node->next.get(); it++; } curr_node->next = std::unique_ptr<node>(head); head->prev = curr_node; } ~circlular_double_linked_list(){ head->next.reset(nullptr); } void add_to_tail(int x){ auto& tail = head->prev; tail->next.release();//give up ownership of head tail->next = std::make_unique<node>(x, tail); tail->next->next = std::unique_ptr<node>(head);//gain ownership of head tail=tail->next.get(); } void delete_tail(){ auto tail = head->prev; auto newtail = tail->prev; tail->next.release(); //give up ownership of head newtail->next.reset(head); //gain ownership of head and delete tail head -> prev = newtail; } }; int main(){ circlular_double_linked_list cdll{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; cdll.add_to_tail(10); cdll.add_to_tail(11); cdll.delete_tail(); }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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