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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> /************ queue manage ***********/ typedef struct Node { void *data; struct Node *next; }queue_node_t; #define BUFFER_POOL_SIZE (640 * 480) #define BUFFER_POOL_NUM 5 struct pbuf{ uint32_t len; uint8_t payload[BUFFER_POOL_SIZE]; }; typedef struct QueueList { int sizeOfQueue; uint16_t memSize; queue_node_t *head; queue_node_t *tail; }queue_t; /* to inform consumer_thread */ static pthread_cond_t cap_cond; static pthread_mutex_t cap_mutex; /* stream queue for communicate between two threads */ static queue_t strm_queue; static pthread_mutex_t strmq_mutex; int strm_queue_init(){ queue_t *q = &strm_queue; q->sizeOfQueue = 0; q->memSize = 0; q->head = q->tail = NULL; if (pthread_cond_init(&cap_cond, NULL) != 0) { printf("pthread_cond_init failed\n"); exit(-1); } if (pthread_mutex_init(&cap_mutex, NULL) != 0) { printf("pthread_mutex_init failed\n"); pthread_cond_destroy(&cap_cond); exit(-1); } if (pthread_mutex_init(&strmq_mutex, NULL) != 0) { printf("pthread_mutex_init failed\n"); exit(-1); } return 0; } int malloc_node(queue_node_t **newNode); int frame_enqueue(void *data, uint32_t len){ queue_t *q = &strm_queue; queue_node_t *newNode = NULL; struct pbuf *p; assert(len < BUFFER_POOL_SIZE); if (malloc_node(&newNode) != true) { //printf("no node available!\n"); return -1; } p = (struct pbuf *)newNode->data; memcpy(p->payload, data, len); p->len = len; pthread_mutex_lock(&strmq_mutex); if (q->sizeOfQueue == 0) { q->head = q->tail = newNode; } else { q->tail->next = newNode; q->tail = newNode; } q->sizeOfQueue++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&strmq_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&cap_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&cap_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cap_mutex); return 0; } int frame_dequeue(queue_node_t **newNode){ queue_t *q = &strm_queue; bool ret = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&strmq_mutex); if (q->sizeOfQueue <= 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&strmq_mutex); *newNode = NULL; ret = false; }else{ *newNode = q->head; if (q->sizeOfQueue > 1) { q->head = q->head->next; } else { q->head = NULL; q->tail = NULL; } q->sizeOfQueue--; ret = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&strmq_mutex); return ret; } /***** node pool manage *****/ static struct pbuf buffer_pool[BUFFER_POOL_NUM]; static queue_node_t queue_node[BUFFER_POOL_NUM]; /* mutex for free_queue when malloc and release node */ pthread_mutex_t freeq_mutex; queue_t free_queue; int node_pool_init(){ int i; queue_t *q = &free_queue; queue_node_t *newNode; newNode = &queue_node[0]; newNode->data = (void *)&buffer_pool[0]; q->head = q->tail = newNode; for (i = 1; i < BUFFER_POOL_NUM; i++) { newNode = &queue_node[i]; newNode->data = (void *)&buffer_pool[i]; q->tail->next = newNode; q->tail = newNode; } q->sizeOfQueue = i; if (pthread_mutex_init(&freeq_mutex, NULL) != 0) { printf("pthread_mutex_init failed\n"); exit(-1); } return 0; } /* dequeue from free queue */ int malloc_node(queue_node_t **newNode){ queue_t *q = &free_queue; bool ret = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&freeq_mutex); if (q->sizeOfQueue <= 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&freeq_mutex); *newNode = NULL; ret = false; }else{ *newNode = q->head; if (q->sizeOfQueue > 1) { q->head = q->head->next; } else { q->head = NULL; q->tail = NULL; } q->sizeOfQueue--; ret = true; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&freeq_mutex); return ret; } /* tailed to free queue */ int release_node(queue_node_t *newNode ){ queue_t *q = &free_queue; newNode->next = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&freeq_mutex); if (q->sizeOfQueue == 0) { q->head = q->tail = newNode; } else { q->tail->next = newNode; q->tail = newNode; } q->sizeOfQueue++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&freeq_mutex); return 0; } /**************** test for communication between threads *************/ void* producer_thread(void *argv[]){ char message[100]; printf("producer start!\n"); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ usleep(100000); sprintf(message, "Hello %d", i); if(0 != frame_enqueue((void *)message, strlen(message))){ printf("drop message: %s!\n", message); }; } printf("producer stop!\n"); } void* consumer_thread(void *argv[]){ queue_node_t *newNode; int i = 0; struct timeval cur_tv; struct timespec to; int timeout_msec = 5000; int ret; while(1){ gettimeofday(&cur_tv, NULL); to.tv_sec = cur_tv.tv_sec + timeout_msec / 1000; to.tv_nsec = cur_tv.tv_usec * 1000 + (timeout_msec % 1000) * 1000000; printf("consumer wait!\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&cap_mutex); ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cap_cond, &cap_mutex, &to); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cap_mutex); if((ret == ETIMEDOUT)){ printf("condition wait timeout!\n"); break; } while(frame_dequeue(&newNode)){ /* do some process */ printf("%s\n", ((struct pbuf *)(newNode->data))->payload); usleep(500000); release_node(newNode); i++; } } printf("consumer get %d message!\n", i); printf("consumer exit!\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; pthread_t pid1, pid2; printf("\n--- test for communication between threads ---\n"); node_pool_init(); strm_queue_init(); if (pthread_create(&pid2, NULL, consumer_thread, NULL)){ printf("create consumer failed!\n"); } if (pthread_create(&pid1, NULL, producer_thread, NULL)) { printf("create producer failed!\n"); return -1; } pthread_join(pid1, NULL); pthread_join(pid2, NULL); printf("\n--- test exit ---!\n"); return 0; }

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