online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl, C#, VB, Swift, Pascal, Fortran, Haskell, Objective-C, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JS, SQLite, Prolog. Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> const int Success = 0, SizeZero = -1, NotMemory = -2, StartNewSize = 25, IncrementSizeBy = 10; const int GetElementsSmallerThanNum(int source[], size_t sourcesize, int **dest, int Num); void PrintElementsOf(int source[], int sourcesize); int main (void) { int numbers[] = {45, 64, 1 ,4, 7, 0, -1, -35, 46, 53, 79, 65, -67, 0, 89, 24, 8, 88, 12, 342, 78, 96, 456, 765, 123, 98, 68, 798, 1234, 908, 5678 }; int *smallers = (int *)NULL, Limit = 55, result; printf ("The list of numbers is:\n"); PrintElementsOf(numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0])); result = GetElementsSmallerThanNum(numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]), &smallers, Limit); //here must be code checking for lack of memory -after all that is the only point of failure in this test- printf ("The elements smaller than: %d are:\n", Limit); PrintElementsOf(smallers, result); return Success; } void PrintElementsOf(int source[], int sourcesize) { if (sourcesize <= 0) printf("There is nothing to show"); else for (int i = 0; i < sourcesize; ++i) printf("%d ", source[i]); printf("\n"); } const int GetElementsSmallerThanNum(int source[], size_t sourcesize, int **dest, int Num) { if (sourcesize <= 0) return SizeZero; int destsize = (sourcesize / 2) + 1; int *temp = (int *)malloc(destsize * sizeof(int)); if(temp == (int *)NULL) return NotMemory; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sourcesize; ++i) { if (source[i] < Num) { if(i == destsize) { destsize += IncrementSizeBy; if(destsize > sourcesize) destsize = sourcesize; temp = (int *)realloc(temp, sizeof(int) * destsize); if(temp == (int *)NULL) { free(temp); return NotMemory; } } temp[j++] = source[i]; } } if(j < destsize) temp = (int *)realloc(temp, sizeof(int) * j); *dest = temp; return j; }

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