online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <cstddef> #include <tuple> #include <utility> #include <cstdint> #include <type_traits> #include <iostream> //#include "stm32f411xe.h" #define __forceinline _Pragma("inline=forced") constexpr std::uint32_t GpioaBaseAddr = 0x602194 ; constexpr std::uint32_t GpiocBaseAddr = 0x602198 ; struct PortBase { }; template <std::uint32_t addr> struct Port: PortBase { __forceinline inline static void Toggle(const std::uint8_t bit) { *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(addr) ^= (1 << bit) ; std::cout << (1 << bit) << std::endl ; } }; using PortA = Port<GpioaBaseAddr> ; using PortC = Port<GpiocBaseAddr> ; template <typename T, std::uint8_t pinNum, class = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<PortBase, T>::value>> struct Pin { __forceinline inline static void Toggle() { T::Toggle(pinNum) ; } } ; using Led1 = Pin<PortA, 5> ; using Led2 = Pin<PortC, 5> ; using Led3 = Pin<PortC, 8> ; class LedsContainer { friend int main() ; public: __forceinline static inline void ToggleAll() { std::apply([](auto... args) { (args.Toggle(), ...); }, records); } private: constexpr static auto records = std::make_tuple ( Pin<PortA, 5>{}, Pin<PortC, 5>{}, Pin<PortC, 8>{}, Pin<PortC, 9>{} ) ; using tRecordsTuple = decltype(records) ; } ; int main() { LedsContainer::ToggleAll(); return 0 ; }

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