online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include<stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> char operand_stack[50][80], operator_stack[50]; int top_operator = -1, top_operand = -1; int push_operator(char operator) { operator_stack[++top_operator] = operator; } int push_operand(char *opnd) { strcpy(operand_stack[++top_operand], opnd); } char pop_operator() { return(operator_stack[top_operator--]); } char *pop_operand() { return(operand_stack[top_operand--]); } int empty(int t) { if(t == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } int main() { char prefix_expression[50], ch, temporary_string[50], operand_a[50], operand_b[50], operator[2]; int count = 0, k = 0, operand_count = 0; printf("\nEnter a Prefix Expression:\t"); scanf("%s", prefix_expression); while((ch = prefix_expression[count++]) != '\0') { if(isalnum(ch)) { temporary_string[0] = ch; temporary_string[1]='\0'; push_operand(temporary_string); operand_count++; if(operand_count >= 2) { strcpy(operand_b, pop_operand()); strcpy(operand_a, pop_operand()); strcpy(temporary_string, "("); strcat(temporary_string, operand_a); ch = pop_operator(); operator[0] = ch; operator[1] = '\0'; strcat(temporary_string, operator); strcat(temporary_string, operand_b); strcat(temporary_string, ")"); push_operand(temporary_string); operand_count = operand_count - 1; } } else { push_operator(ch); if(operand_count == 1) { operand_count = 0; } } } if(!empty(top_operand)) { strcpy(operand_b, pop_operand()); strcpy(operand_a, pop_operand()); strcpy(temporary_string, "("); strcat(temporary_string, operand_a); ch = pop_operator(); operator[0] = ch; operator[1] = '\0'; strcat(temporary_string, operator); strcat(temporary_string, operand_b); strcat(temporary_string, ")"); push_operand(temporary_string); } printf("\nInfix Expression:\t %s\n", operand_stack[top_operand]); return 0; }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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