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#include <iostream> #include <tuple> using namespace std; template< typename Callable, typename Tuple, size_t... Indexes > constexpr void tuple_for_each(Tuple&& t, Callable&& f, std::index_sequence<Indexes...>) { (f(std::get<Indexes>(t)), ...); } template< typename Callable, typename... Args, template<typename...> typename Tuple, typename Is = std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)> > constexpr void tuple_for_each(Tuple<Args...>&& t, Callable&& f) { tuple_for_each(t, f, Is{}); } template<typename T> struct ReflectionLayout { static constexpr auto GetLayout() { return std::make_tuple( std::make_tuple( "#Unknown", "Unknown" ) ); } }; template<typename T> struct Reflection { static constexpr bool has_reflection_info = false; static constexpr char const* name{ "Unknown" }; static constexpr auto layout() { return ReflectionLayout<T>::GetLayout(); } static constexpr bool is_complex{ false }; }; #define REGISTER_REFLECTION_INFO(Class) \ template<> \ struct Reflection<Class> \ { \ static constexpr bool has_reflection_info = true; \ static constexpr char const* name{ #Class }; \ static constexpr auto layout() { return ReflectionLayout<Class>::GetLayout(); } \ static constexpr bool is_complex{ true }; \ }; #define REGISTER_REFLECTION_LAYOUT(Class) \ template<> \ struct ReflectionLayout<Class> \ { \ using Type = Class; \ static constexpr auto GetLayout() \ { \ return std::make_tuple( #define MEMBER(Name) std::make_tuple(#Name, &Type::Name) #define END_REFLECTION_LAYOUT(Class) \ ); \ } \ }; \ REGISTER_REFLECTION_INFO(Class) struct namedValue { string name; int x; }; REGISTER_REFLECTION_LAYOUT(namedValue) MEMBER(name), MEMBER(x) END_REFLECTION_LAYOUT(namedValue) template<typename T> void printInfo(T val) { tuple_for_each(Reflection<T>::layout(),[&](auto&& x) { auto [name, ptr] = x; cout << name << ": " << val.*ptr << endl; }); } int main() { printInfo(namedValue{"numEggs", 37}); return 0; }

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