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#include "srt.h" #include <stdio.h> #define ElementCount(array) sizeof(array) / sizeof((array)[0]) //////////////////////////// // FLoat helper functions // //////////////////////////// int FloatCompare(const void * first, const void * second) { return *(float *)first - *(float *)second; } void PrintFloatArray(float * array, size_t elementCount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) printf("%f, ", array[i]); printf("\n"); } /////////////////////////// // Byte helper functions // /////////////////////////// typedef unsigned char byte; int ByteCompare(const void * first, const void * second) { return *(signed char *)first - *(signed char *)second; } void PrintByteArray(byte * array, size_t elementCount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) printf("%hhu, ", array[i]); printf("\n"); } //////////////////////////// // Sort testing functions // //////////////////////////// void TestBubbleSort(const float * originalFloatArray, size_t floatElementCount, const byte * originalByteArray, size_t byteElementCount) { printf("Bubble Sort Test:\n"); printf("=================\n"); // Create a copy of the original arrays float floatArray[floatElementCount]; memcpy(floatArray, originalFloatArray, sizeof(float) * floatElementCount); byte byteArray[byteElementCount]; memcpy(byteArray, originalByteArray, sizeof(byte) * byteElementCount); // Test the float sorting printf("Float array before sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); srtbubb(floatArray, sizeof(float), floatElementCount, FloatCompare); printf("Float array after sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); // Test the byte sorting printf("\nByte array before sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); srtbubb(byteArray, sizeof(byte), byteElementCount, ByteCompare); printf("Byte array after sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); printf("\n\n"); } void TestHeapSort(const float * originalFloatArray, size_t floatElementCount, const byte * originalByteArray, size_t byteElementCount) { printf("Heap Sort Test:\n"); printf("===============\n"); // Create a copy of the original arrays float floatArray[floatElementCount]; memcpy(floatArray, originalFloatArray, sizeof(float) * floatElementCount); byte byteArray[byteElementCount]; memcpy(byteArray, originalByteArray, sizeof(byte) * byteElementCount); // Test the float sorting printf("Float array before sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); srtheap(floatArray, sizeof(float), floatElementCount, FloatCompare); printf("Float array after sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); // Test the byte sorting printf("\nByte array before sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); srtheap(byteArray, sizeof(byte), byteElementCount, ByteCompare); printf("Byte array after sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); printf("\n\n"); } void TestInsertionSort(const float * originalFloatArray, size_t floatElementCount, const byte * originalByteArray, size_t byteElementCount) { printf("Insertion Sort Test:\n"); printf("====================\n"); // Create a copy of the original arrays float floatArray[floatElementCount]; memcpy(floatArray, originalFloatArray, sizeof(float) * floatElementCount); byte byteArray[byteElementCount]; memcpy(byteArray, originalByteArray, sizeof(byte) * byteElementCount); // Test the float sorting printf("Float array before sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); srtinsr(floatArray, sizeof(float), floatElementCount, FloatCompare); printf("Float array after sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); // Test the byte sorting printf("\nByte array before sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); srtinsr(byteArray, sizeof(byte), byteElementCount, ByteCompare); printf("Byte array after sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); printf("\n\n"); } void TestMergeSort(const float * originalFloatArray, size_t floatElementCount, const byte * originalByteArray, size_t byteElementCount) { printf("Merge Sort Test:\n"); printf("================\n"); // Create a copy of the original arrays float floatArray[floatElementCount]; memcpy(floatArray, originalFloatArray, sizeof(float) * floatElementCount); byte byteArray[byteElementCount]; memcpy(byteArray, originalByteArray, sizeof(byte) * byteElementCount); // Test the float sorting printf("Float array before sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); srtmerg(floatArray, sizeof(float), floatElementCount, FloatCompare); printf("Float array after sorting: "); PrintFloatArray(floatArray, floatElementCount); // Test the byte sorting printf("\nByte array before sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); srtmerg(byteArray, sizeof(byte), byteElementCount, ByteCompare); printf("Byte array after sorting: "); PrintByteArray(byteArray, byteElementCount); printf("\n\n"); } int main() { // Create test data float floatArray[] = { 9.9f, 8.8f, 7.7f, 6.6f, 5.5f, 4.4f, 3.3f, 2.2f, 1.1f, 0.0f }; size_t floatElementCount = ElementCount(floatArray); byte byteArray[] = { 9u, 8u, 7u, 6u, 5u, 4u, 3u, 2u, 1u, 0u }; size_t byteElementCount = ElementCount(byteArray); // Run the sort tests TestBubbleSort(floatArray, floatElementCount, byteArray, byteElementCount); TestHeapSort(floatArray, floatElementCount, byteArray, byteElementCount); TestInsertionSort(floatArray, floatElementCount, byteArray, byteElementCount); TestMergeSort(floatArray, floatElementCount, byteArray, byteElementCount); return 0; }
#ifndef SRT_H #define SRT_H #include <string.h> #define MAX_BUF 256 #define swap(qx,qy,sz) \ do { \ char buf[MAX_BUF]; \ char *q1 = qx; \ char *q2 = qy; \ for (size_t m, ms = sz; ms > 0; ms -= m, q1 += m, q2 += m) { \ m = ms < sizeof(buf) ? ms : sizeof(buf); \ memcpy(buf, q1, m); \ memcpy(q1, q2, m); \ memcpy(q2, buf, m); \ } \ } while (0) void srtbubb(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); void srtheap(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); void srtinsr(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); void srtmerg(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *)); #endif /* SRT_H */
#include "srt.h" void srtbubb(void * buffer, size_t elementSize, size_t elementCount, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < elementCount - 1; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < elementCount - 1 - i; j++) { if (compare(buffer + elementSize * j, buffer + elementSize * (j + 1)) > 0) swap(buffer + elementSize * j, buffer + elementSize * (j + 1), elementSize); } } } void srtheap(void * buffer, size_t elementSize, size_t elementCount, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { // TODO: Implement funciton } void srtinsr(void * buffer, size_t elementSize, size_t elementCount, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { // TODO: Implement funciton } void srtmerg(void * buffer, size_t elementSize, size_t elementCount, int (*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { // TODO: Implement funciton }

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