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def coffee_bot(): print('Welcome to the cafe!') order_drink = "y" drinks = [] while order_drink == "y": size = get_size() drink_type = get_drink_type() drink = '{} {}'.format(size, drink_type) print('Alright, that\'s a {}!'.format(drink)) drinks.append(drink) while True: order_drink = order_input("Would you like to order another drink? \n[a] y \n[b] n \n>") if order_drink == "y" or "n" or "yes" or "sure" or "no": break print('Okay, so I have:') for drink in drinks: print('-', drink) name = order_input('Can I get your name please? \n> ') print('Thanks, {}! Your order will be ready shortly.'.format(name)) coffee_bot() def get_drink_type(): res = order_input('What type of drink would you like? \n[a] Brewed Coffee \n[b] Mocha \n[c] Latte \n> ') if res == 'a': return order_brewed_coffee() elif res == 'b': return order_mocha() elif res == 'c': return order_latte() else: print_message() return get_drink_type() def print_message(): print('I\'m sorry, I did not understand your selection. Please enter the corresponding letter for your response.') def get_size(): res = order_input('What size drink can I get for you? \n[a] Small \n[b] Medium \n[c] Large \n> ') if res == 'a': return 'small' elif res == 'b': return 'medium' elif res == 'c': return 'large' else: print_message() return get_size() def order_latte(): res = order_input('And what kind of milk for your latte? \n[a] 2% milk \n[b] Non-fat milk \n[c] Soy milk \n> ') if res == 'a': return 'ordinary latte with 2% milk' elif res == 'b': return 'non-fat latte' elif res == 'c': return 'soy latte' else: print_message() return order_latte() # Define new functions here! def order_brewed_coffee(): while True: res = order_input("Would you like to try coffee brewed from the finest Brazilian grounds? \n[a] Yes! \n[b] No way, Mister! \n>") if res == "a": return "Brazilian grounds coffee" elif res == "b": return "ordinary brewed coffee" print_message() def order_mocha(): while True: res = order_input("Would you like to try our limited-edition peppermint mocha? \n[a] Sure! \n[b] Maybe next time! \n>") if res == "a": return "peppermint mocha" elif res == "b": return "mocha" print_message() # Returns user input or returns to the beginning if the input is "stop" (order is cancelled). def order_input(text): res = input(text) if res == "stop": print("Order cancelled!") coffee_bot() else: return res coffee_bot()

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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