online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define SIZE 50 char stack[SIZE]; int top=-1; /* Global declarations */ push(char elem) { /* Function for PUSH operation */ stack[++top]=elem; } char pop() { /* Function for POP operation */ return(stack[top--]); } int pr(char symbol) { /* Function for precedence */ if(symbol == '^')/* exponent operator, highest precedence*/ { return(3); } else if(symbol == '*' || symbol == '/') { return(2); } else if(symbol == '+' || symbol == '-') /* lowest precedence */ { return(1); } else { return(0); } } /* Main Program */ void main() { char infix[50],postfix[50],ch,elem; int i=0,k=0; printf("Enter Infix Expression : "); scanf("%s",infix); push('#'); while( (ch=infix[i++]) != '\0') { if( ch == '(') push(ch); else if(isalnum(ch)) postfix[k++]=ch; else if( ch == ')') { while( stack[top] != '(') postfix[k++]=pop(); elem=pop(); /* Remove ( */ } else { /* Operator */ while( pr(stack[top]) >= pr(ch) ) postfix[k++]=pop(); push(ch); } } while( stack[top] != '#') /* Pop from stack till empty */ postfix[k++]=pop(); postfix[k]='\0'; /* Make postfix as valid string */ printf("\nPostfix Expression = %s\n",postfix); }

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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