online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Welcome to GDB Online. GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl, C#, VB, Swift, Pascal, Fortran, Haskell, Objective-C, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JS, SQLite, Prolog. Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world. *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "location.h" // static char input[100]; static int getInput() { printf("\n--> "); return fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) != NULL; } static int parseAndExecute() { char *verb = strtok(input, " \n"); char *noun = strtok(NULL, " \n"); if (verb != NULL) { if (strcmp(verb, "quit") == 0) { return 0; } else if (strcmp(verb, "look") == 0) { executeLook(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "go") == 0) { executeGo(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "get") == 0) { executeGet(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "drop") == 0) { executeDrop(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "give") == 0) { executeGive(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "ask") == 0) { executeAsk(noun); } else if (strcmp(verb, "inventory") == 0) { executeInventory(); } else { printf("I don't know how to '%s'.\n", verb); } } return 1; } int main() { printf("Welcome to Little Cave Adventure.\n"); executeLook("around"); printf("It's very dark in here.\n"); while (getInput() && parseAndExecute()); printf("\nBye!\n"); return 0; }
extern void executeLook(const char *noun); extern void executeGo(const char *noun);
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "object.h" #include "misc.h" void executeLook(const char *noun) { if (noun != NULL && strcmp(noun, "around") == 0) { printf("You are in %s.\n", player->location->description); listObjectsAtLocation(player->location); } else { printf("I don't understand what you want to see.\n"); } } void executeGo(const char *noun) { OBJECT *obj = parseObject(noun); DISTANCE distance = distanceTo(obj); if (distance >= distUnknownObject) { printf("I don't understand where you want to go.\n"); } else if (distance == distLocation) { printf("You are already there.\n"); } else if (distance == distOverthere) { printf("OK.\n"); player->location = obj; executeLook("around"); } else if (distance == distHere && obj->destination != NULL) { printf("OK.\n"); player->location = obj->destination; executeLook("around"); } else if (distance < distNotHere) { printf("You can't get any closer than this.\n"); } else { printf("You don't see any %s here.\n", noun); } }
typedef struct object { const char *description; const char **tags; struct object *location; struct object *destination; } OBJECT; extern OBJECT objs[]; #define field (objs + 0) #define cave (objs + 1) #define silver (objs + 2) #define gold (objs + 3) #define guard (objs + 4) #define player (objs + 5) #define intoCave (objs + 6) #define exitCave (objs + 7) #define wallField (objs + 8) #define wallCave (objs + 9) #define endOfObjs (objs + 10)
#include <stdio.h> #include "object.h" static const char *tags0[] = {"field", NULL}; static const char *tags1[] = {"cave", NULL}; static const char *tags2[] = {"silver", "coin", "silver coin", NULL}; static const char *tags3[] = {"gold", "coin", "gold coin", NULL}; static const char *tags4[] = {"guard", "burly guard", NULL}; static const char *tags5[] = {"yourself", NULL}; static const char *tags6[] = {"east", "entrance", NULL}; static const char *tags7[] = {"west", "out", NULL}; static const char *tags8[] = {"west", "north", "south", "forest", NULL}; static const char *tags9[] = {"east", "north", "south", "rock", NULL}; OBJECT objs[] = { {"an open field" , tags0, NULL , NULL }, {"a little cave" , tags1, NULL , NULL }, {"a silver coin" , tags2, field, NULL }, {"a gold coin" , tags3, cave , NULL }, {"a burly guard" , tags4, field, NULL }, {"yourself" , tags5, field, NULL }, {"a cave entrance to the east", tags6, field, cave }, {"a way out to the west" , tags7, cave , field }, {"dense forest all around" , tags8, field, NULL }, {"solid rock all around" , tags9, cave , NULL } };
typedef enum { distPlayer, distHeld, distHeldContained, distLocation, distHere, distHereContained, distOverthere, distNotHere, distUnknownObject, distNoObjectSpecified } DISTANCE; extern OBJECT *getPassageTo(OBJECT *targetLocation); extern DISTANCE distanceTo(OBJECT *obj); extern OBJECT *parseObject(const char *noun); extern OBJECT *personHere(void); extern int listObjectsAtLocation(OBJECT *location);
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "object.h" #include "misc.h" OBJECT *getPassageTo(OBJECT *targetLocation) { OBJECT *obj; for (obj = objs; obj < endOfObjs; obj++) { if (obj->location == player->location && obj->destination == targetLocation) { return obj; } } return NULL; } DISTANCE distanceTo(OBJECT *obj) { return obj == NULL ? distUnknownObject : obj == player ? distPlayer : obj == player->location ? distLocation : obj->location == player ? distHeld : obj->location == player->location ? distHere : getPassageTo(obj) != NULL ? distOverthere : obj->location == NULL ? distNotHere : obj->location->location == player ? distHeldContained : obj->location->location == player->location ? distHereContained : distNotHere; } static int nounIsInTags(const char *noun, const char **tags) { while (*tags != NULL) { if (strcmp(noun, *tags++) == 0) return 1; } return 0; } OBJECT *parseObject(const char *noun) { OBJECT *obj, *found = NULL; for (obj = objs; obj < endOfObjs; obj++) { if (noun != NULL && nounIsInTags(noun, obj->tags) && distanceTo(obj) < distanceTo(found)) { found = obj; } } return found; } OBJECT *personHere(void) { OBJECT *obj; for (obj = objs; obj < endOfObjs; obj++) { if (distanceTo(obj) == distHere && obj == guard) { return obj; } } return NULL; } int listObjectsAtLocation(OBJECT *location) { int count = 0; OBJECT *obj; for (obj = objs; obj < endOfObjs; obj++) { if (obj != player && obj->location == location) { if (count++ == 0) { printf("You see:\n"); } printf("%s\n", obj->description); } } return count; }
extern void executeGet(const char *noun); extern void executeDrop(const char *noun); extern void executeGive(const char *noun); extern void executeAsk(const char *noun); extern void executeInventory(void);
#include <stdio.h> #include "object.h" #include "misc.h" static void moveObject(const char *noun, OBJECT *from, OBJECT *to) { OBJECT *obj = parseObject(noun); if (obj == NULL) { printf("I don't understand what item you mean.\n"); } else if (from != obj->location) { switch (distanceTo(obj)) { case distPlayer: printf("You should not be doing that to yourself.\n"); break; case distHeld: printf("You already have %s.\n", obj->description); break; case distLocation: case distOverthere: printf("That's not an item.\n"); break; case distHere: if (from == player) { printf("You have no %s.\n", noun); } else { printf("Sorry, %s has no %s.\n", from->description, noun); } break; case distHeldContained: case distHereContained: printf("Sorry, %s is holding it.\n", obj->location->description); break; default: printf("You don't see any %s here.\n", noun); } } else if (to == NULL) { printf("There is nobody here to give that to.\n"); } else { obj->location = to; printf("OK.\n"); } } void executeGet(const char *noun) { moveObject(noun, player->location, player); } void executeDrop(const char *noun) { moveObject(noun, player, player->location); } void executeGive(const char *noun) { moveObject(noun, player, personHere()); } void executeAsk(const char *noun) { moveObject(noun, personHere(), player); } void executeInventory(void) { if (listObjectsAtLocation(player) == 0) { printf("You are empty-handed.\n"); } }

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