online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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# Author: @daviinacio # Date: 16/12/2018 # Description: Algoritmo escrito com o objetivo de encontrar multiplos de 2 que não contenham 0 num_base = 2 num_wanted = 0 range_min = 0 range_max = 250 show_while_check = False result_array = [] if input("Use default values (y/n): ") == 'n': num_base = int(input('Type the base number: ')) num_wanted = int(input('Type the wanted number: ')) range_min = int(input('Type the min range: ')) range_max = int(input('Type the max range: ')) if input("Do you want to view the exponentials while checking? (y/n): ") == 'y': show_while_check = True if not show_while_check: print("\nProcess started. Please wait..."); for exponential in range(range_min, range_max): # Calculate the exponential num = num_base ** exponential if show_while_check: print("{}^{}: {}".format(num_base, exponential, num)) # Check for zero if not (str(num_wanted) in str(num)): result_array.append("{}^{}: {}".format(num_base, exponential, num)) print(); print("Check finished - range = {} ~ {} ".format(range_min, range_max)) print('\n\n') print("## Exponentials without the number {} ##".format(num_wanted)) for i in range(0, len(result_array)): print(result_array[i]) print('\n') input("Press the <ENTER> key to continue...")

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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