online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <memory.h> #include <math.h> #define N 100 #define MAX_FACTORS 32 #define MAXR 320 typedef unsigned long long int uint64; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef unsigned char uint8; uint64 gcd(uint64 a, uint64 b) { uint64 c = a; while(b) { c = a % b; a = b; b = c; } return a; } uint8 BitCount(uint64 n) { uint8 ans = 0; while(n) { n>>=1; ans++; } return ans; } uint32 SquareRoot(uint64 x) { if(x < (1ULL<<32)) { return (uint32)sqrt((uint32)x); } uint8 logx = BitCount(x); uint32 l = pow(2.0, (double)(logx-1) / 2); uint32 r = pow(2.0, (double)(logx) / 2); uint32 m = l; uint64 m2 = x; while(l <= r) { m = (l + r ) / 2; m2 = m * m; if(m2 == x) return m; if(m2 < x) { l = m + 1; } else { r = m - 1; } } return m; } uint64 Power(uint32 a, uint8 k) { if(k == 0) return 1; uint64 ans = 1; uint64 a2 = a; while(k > 1) { if(k & 0x01) { ans *= a2; } a2 = a2 * a2; k>>=1; } ans *= a2; return ans; } uint32 PowerMod(uint32 a, uint8 k, uint32 mod) { if(k == 0) return 1; uint64 ans = 1; uint64 a2 = a % mod; while(k > 1) { if(k & 0x01) { ans = (ans * a2) % mod; } a2 = (a2 * a2) % mod; k>>=1; } ans = (ans * a2) % mod; return (uint32)ans; } uint64 Mul64Mod(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 mod) { return (__uint128_t)a * b % mod; } void MulPoly(uint64 *p1, uint64 *p2, uint64 n, uint32 r) { uint64 ans[MAXR]; int i, j; memset(ans, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); for(i = 0; i < r; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= i; j++) { ans[i] += Mul64Mod(p1[j], p2[i - j], n); if(ans[i] >= n) ans[i] -= n; } for(j = i + 1; j < r; j++) { ans[i] += Mul64Mod(p1[j], p2[r + i - j], n); if(ans[i] >= n) ans[i] -= n; } } memcpy(p1, ans, sizeof(uint64) * r); } void PowerPoly(uint64 *coff, uint64 n, uint32 r) { if(n == 0) { memset(coff, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); coff[0] = 1ULL; return; } uint64 n0 = n; uint64 ans[MAXR]; uint64 coff2[MAXR]; memset(ans, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); ans[0] = 1ULL; memcpy(coff2, coff, sizeof(uint64) * r); while(n > 1) { if(n & 0x01) { MulPoly(ans, coff2, n0, r); } MulPoly(coff2, coff2, n0, r); n>>=1; } MulPoly(ans, coff2, n0, r); memcpy(coff, ans, sizeof(uint64) * r); } int CheckPoly(uint64 *p, uint64 a, uint64 n, uint32 r) { uint64 n0 = n % r; uint32 i; if(p[0] != a) return 0; for(i = 1; i < n0; i++) { if(p[i] != 0) return 0; } if(p[n0] != 1ULL) return 0; for(i = n0 + 1; i < r; i++) { if(p[i] != 0) return 0; } return 1; } uint32 PerfectRoot(uint8 a, uint64 n, uint8 logn) { if(a == 1) return n; uint32 l = pow(2.0, (double)(logn-1) / a);; uint32 r = pow(2.0, ((double)(logn) / a)); uint32 m; uint64 mp; while(l <= r) { m = (l + r) / 2; mp = Power(m, a); if(mp == n) return m; if(mp < n) { l = m + 1; } else { r = m - 1; } } return 0; } int IsPower(uint64 n) { uint8 i, j; uint8 cnt = BitCount(n); for(i = 2; i < cnt; i++) { if(PerfectRoot(i, n, cnt)) return 1; } return 0; } uint8 SmallFactors(uint32 r, uint32 *factors, uint32 *exponents) { uint32 i; uint32 sqrtr = SquareRoot(r); uint8 p = 0; for(i = 2; i <= sqrtr; i++) { if(r % i == 0) { factors[p] = i; exponents[p] = 0; while(r % i == 0) { r /= i; exponents[p]++; } p++; sqrtr = SquareRoot(r); } } if(r > 1) { factors[p] = r; exponents[p] = 1; p++; } return p; } uint32 SmallOrder(uint32 n, uint32 r) { uint32 i; uint32 factors[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 exponents[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 p; uint32 ans; ans = 1; p = SmallFactors(r, factors, exponents); for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { if(exponents[i] > 1) { ans *= Power(factors[i], exponents[i] - 1); } ans *= factors[i] - 1; } p = SmallFactors(ans, factors, exponents); for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { while(ans % factors[i] == 0) { if(PowerMod(n, ans, r) == 1) { ans /= factors[i]; } else { break; } } if(ans % factors[i] == 0) { ans *= factors[i]; } } return ans; } uint32 FindR(uint64 n) { uint32 r, k; uint8 logn = BitCount(n); uint32 maxr = Power(logn, 5); uint32 maxk = Power(logn, 2); if(maxr < 3) maxr = 3; for(r = 2; r <= maxr; r++) { if(gcd(n, r) > 1) continue; k = SmallOrder(n % r, r); if(k > maxk) break; } return r; } uint32 SmallPhi(uint32 r) { uint32 ans; uint32 i; uint32 factors[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 exponents[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 p; p = SmallFactors(r, factors, exponents); ans = 1; for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { if(exponents[i] > 1) { ans *= Power(factors[i], exponents[i] - 1); } ans *= factors[i] - 1; } return ans; } int IsPrimeAKS(uint64 n) { uint64 i = 0; uint32 r = 0; uint64 t = 0; uint32 logn = 0; uint64 maxa = 0; uint64 poly[MAXR]; if(IsPower(n)) return 0; r = FindR(n); for(i = 2; i <= r; i++) { t = gcd(n, i); if(t > 1 && t < n) return 0; } if(n <= r) return 1; logn = BitCount(n); maxa = ((uint64)logn) * SquareRoot(SmallPhi(r)); if(maxa >= n) maxa = n - 1; for(i = 1; i <= maxa; i++) { memset(poly, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); poly[0] = i; poly[1] = 1; PowerPoly(poly, n, r); if(!CheckPoly(poly, i, n, r)) return 0; } return 1; } int main() { uint64 n; while(scanf("%"SCNu64, &n) != EOF) { printf("%s\n", IsPrimeAKS(n) ? "Yes" : "No"); } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <memory.h> #include <math.h> const int DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO = 1; const int DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE = 2; const int DEBUG_LEVEL_CHECK = 3; const int debug_level = 0; #define N 100 #define MAX_FACTORS 32 #define MAXR 320 typedef unsigned long long int uint64; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef unsigned char uint8; uint64 gcd(uint64 a, uint64 b) { uint64 c = a; while(b) { c = a % b; a = b; b = c; } return a; } //return Roundup(log_2{n}) if n is greater than zero, otherwise return 0; // uint8 BitCount(uint64 n) { uint8 ans = 0; while(n) { n>>=1; ans++; } return ans; } uint32 SquareRoot(uint64 x) { if(x < (1ULL<<32)) { return (uint32)sqrt((uint32)x); } //uint32 l = pow(2.0, (double)(logn-1) / a);; //uint32 r = pow(2.0, ((double)(logn) / a)); uint8 logx = BitCount(x); uint32 l = pow(2.0, (double)(logx-1) / 2); uint32 r = pow(2.0, (double)(logx) / 2); uint32 m = l; uint64 m2 = x; while(l <= r) { m = (l + r ) / 2; m2 = m * m; //if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { // printf("%u %u %u %u %u.\n", l, r, m, m2, x); //} if(m2 == x) return m; if(m2 < x) { l = m + 1; } else {//m2 > x r = m - 1; } } return m; } //it should be make sure that a^k < 2^64 uint64 Power(uint32 a, uint8 k) { if(k == 0) return 1; uint64 ans = 1; uint64 a2 = a; while(k > 1) { if(k & 0x01) { //might overflow ? ans *= a2; } //might overflow ? a2 = a2 * a2; k>>=1; } ans *= a2; return ans; } uint32 PowerMod(uint32 a, uint8 k, uint32 mod) { if(k == 0) return 1; uint64 ans = 1; uint64 a2 = a % mod; while(k > 0) { if(k & 0x01) { ans = (ans * a2) % mod; } a2 = (a2 * a2) % mod; k>>=1; } ans = (ans * a2) % mod; return (uint32)ans; } void PrintPoly(uint64 *p, uint32 r) { int i; for(i = 0; i < r; i++) { printf("%llu ", p[i]); } printf("\n"); } //make sure that a and b are less thant mod uint64 Add64Mod(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 mod) { uint64 c = a + b; if(c < a) { //overflow: mod > 2^63 return c + (-mod); } if(c >= mod) c-= mod; return c; } //compute (2*a) % mod //make sure that a is less thant mod uint64 Double64Mod(uint64 a, uint64 mod) { //a >= 2^63 if(a>>63) {//mod > 2^63 //a = 2^63 + (a-2^63) //a = (((-1ULL) - mod) + 1) + (a & ~(1ULL<<63)); return (a<<1)+(-mod); } else { a <<= 1; if(a >= mod) a -= mod; } return a; } //compute (a * b) % mod //make sure that a and b are less thant mod uint64 Mul64Mod(uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 mod) { if(b == 0) return 0; return (__uint128_t)a * b % mod; uint64 a2 = a; uint64 ans = 0; while(b > 1) { if(b & 0x01) { ans = Add64Mod(ans, a2, mod); } a2 = Double64Mod(a2, mod); //a2 = Add64Mod(a2, a2, mod); //b2 = b2 + b2; b>>=1; } ans = Add64Mod(ans, a2, mod); return ans; } //compute (a * b) % mod //make sure that a and b are less thant mod // uint64 Mul64Mod (uint64 a, uint64 b, uint64 mod) // { // uint64 a_lo = (uint64)(uint32)a; // uint64 a_hi = a >> 32; // uint64 b_lo = (uint64)(uint32)b; // uint64 b_hi = b >> 32; // uint64 p0 = (a_lo * b_lo) % mod; // uint64 p1 = (a_lo * b_hi) % mod; // uint64 p2 = (a_hi * b_lo) % mod; // uint64 p3 = (a_hi * b_hi) % mod; // uint64 ans = p0; // ans += ((p1 + p2) % mod * (1ULL<<32) % mod) % mod; // if(ans >= mod) ans -= mod; // ans += (((-mod) % mod) % mod ) * p3; // if(ans >= mod) ans -= mod; // return ans; // } //compute p1 *= p2 (mod x^r-1, n); void MulPoly(uint64 *p1, uint64 *p2, uint64 n, uint32 r) { uint64 ans[MAXR]; int i, j; if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { printf("p1:"); PrintPoly(p1, r); printf("p2:"); PrintPoly(p2, r); } memset(ans, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r);//ans = 0; for(i = 0; i < r; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= i; j++) { //ans[i] += (p1[j] * p2[i - j]) % n; ans[i] += Mul64Mod(p1[j], p2[i - j], n); if(ans[i] >= n) ans[i] -= n; } for(j = i + 1; j < r; j++) { //ans[i] += (p1[j] * p2[r + i - j]) % n; ans[i] += Mul64Mod(p1[j], p2[r + i - j], n); if(ans[i] >= n) ans[i] -= n; } //if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { // printf("MulPoly %d:", i); PrintPoly(ans, r); //} } memcpy(p1, ans, sizeof(uint64) * r); } //compute p = p^n (mod x^r-1, n); void PowerPoly(uint64 *coff, uint64 n, uint32 r) { uint64 n0 = n; uint64 ans[MAXR]; uint64 coff2[MAXR]; memset(ans, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); ans[0] = 1ULL; //ans = 1 memcpy(coff2, coff, sizeof(uint64) * r);//coff2 = coff if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { printf("ans:");PrintPoly(ans, r); printf("coff2:");PrintPoly(coff2, r); } while(n) { if(n & 0x01) { MulPoly(ans, coff2, n0, r); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { printf("ans:");PrintPoly(ans, r); } } MulPoly(coff2, coff2, n0, r); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { printf("coff2:");PrintPoly(coff2, r); } n>>=1; } memcpy(coff, ans, sizeof(uint64) * r); } //check if p == x^n + a (mod x^r-1,n); //make sure that n % r != 0 int CheckPoly(uint64 *p, uint64 a, uint64 n, uint32 r) { uint64 n0 = n % r; uint32 i; if(p[0] != a) return 0; for(i = 1; i < n0; i++) { if(p[i] != 0) return 0; } if(p[n0] != 1ULL) return 0; for(i = n0 + 1; i < r; i++) { if(p[i] != 0) return 0; } return 1; } //find x^a = n, if not found, return 0. //n should not be zero. uint32 PerfectRoot(uint8 a, uint64 n, uint8 logn) { if(a == 1) return n; uint32 l = pow(2.0, (double)(logn-1) / a);; uint32 r = pow(2.0, ((double)(logn) / a)); uint32 m; uint64 mp; while(l <= r) { m = (l + r) / 2; mp = Power(m, a); if(mp == n) return m; if(mp < n) { l = m + 1; } else { r = m - 1; } } return 0;//not PerfectRoot } int IsPower(uint64 n) { uint8 i, j; uint8 cnt = BitCount(n); for(i = 2; i < cnt; i++) { if(PerfectRoot(i, n, cnt)) return 1; } return 0; } uint8 SmallFactors(uint32 r, uint32 *factors, uint32 *exponents) { uint32 i; uint32 sqrtr = SquareRoot(r); uint8 p = 0; for(i = 2; i <= sqrtr; i++) { if(r % i == 0) { factors[p] = i; exponents[p] = 0; while(r % i == 0) { r /= i; exponents[p]++; } p++; sqrtr = SquareRoot(r); } } if(r > 1) { factors[p] = r; exponents[p] = 1; p++; } return p; } uint32 SmallOrder(uint32 n, uint32 r) { uint32 i; uint32 factors[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 exponents[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 p; uint32 ans; //factor for compute Euler function. ans = 1; p = SmallFactors(r, factors, exponents); for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { if(exponents[i] > 1) { ans *= Power(factors[i], exponents[i] - 1); } ans *= factors[i] - 1; } //factor for compute the possible order. p = SmallFactors(ans, factors, exponents); for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { while(ans % factors[i] == 0) { if(PowerMod(n, ans, r) == 1) { ans /= factors[i]; } else { break; } } if(ans % factors[i] == 0) { ans *= factors[i]; } } return ans; } //Lemma 4.3. There exist an r = max{3, (RoundUp(log_2{n}))^5} such that O_r(n) > (log_2{n})^2 ////n should be grater than 2; uint32 FindR(uint64 n) { uint32 r, k; uint8 logn = BitCount(n); uint32 maxr = Power(logn, 5); uint32 maxk = Power(logn, 2); if(maxr < 3) maxr = 3; for(r = 2; r <= maxr; r++) { if(gcd(n, r) > 1) continue; //compute O_r{n} by testing every possible value until the power is 1, i.e., the result is found. k = SmallOrder(n % r, r); if(k > maxk) break; } return r; } uint32 SmallPhi(uint32 r) { uint32 ans; uint32 i; uint32 factors[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 exponents[MAX_FACTORS]; uint32 p; p = SmallFactors(r, factors, exponents); ans = 1; for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { if(exponents[i] > 1) { ans *= Power(factors[i], exponents[i] - 1); } ans *= factors[i] - 1; } return ans; } int IsPrimeAKS(uint64 n) { uint64 i = 0; uint32 r = 0; uint64 t = 0; uint32 logn = 0; uint64 maxa = 0; uint64 poly[MAXR]; if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 1: CHeck if it is a power with exponent greater than 1.\n"); } if(IsPower(n)) return 0; if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 2: Find the smallest r such that O_r(n) < (log_2{n})^5.\n"); } r = FindR(n); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { printf("r=%u\n", r); } if(r > MAXR) { printf("ERROR: r is greater than MAXR (%d)\n", MAXR); return -1; } if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 3: Test for the factors not greater than r.\n"); } for(i = 2; i <= r; i++) { t = gcd(n, i); if(t > 1 && t < n) return 0; } if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 4: Return PRIME if n is small and pass all the small factor tests.\n"); } if(n <= r) return 1; if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 5: Check many equations.\n"); } logn = BitCount(n); //overflow ? maxa = ((uint64)logn) * SquareRoot(SmallPhi(r)); if(maxa >= n) maxa = n - 1; //check if p == x^n + a (mod x^r-1,n); //int CheckPoly(uint64 *p, uint64 a, uint64 n, uint32 r) { //compute p = p^n (mod x^r-1, n); //void PowerPoly(uint64 *coff, uint64 n, uint32 r) for(i = 1; i <= maxa; i++) { if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("\tTest (X+%llu)^(%llu) = X^(%llu)+%llu\n", i, n, n, i); } memset(poly, 0, sizeof(uint64) * r); poly[0] = i; poly[1] = 1; PowerPoly(poly, n, r); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { PrintPoly(poly, r); } if(!CheckPoly(poly, i, n, r)) return 0; } if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO) { printf("Step 6: Return PRIME if pass all the equation tests.\n"); } return 1; } int IsPrimeBruteForce(uint64 n) { if(n == 2) return 1; uint32 sqrtn = SquareRoot(n); uint32 i; for(i = 2; i<= sqrtn; i++) { if(n % i == 0) return 0; } return 1; } void TestPrime(uint64 n) { int rAKS, rBruteForce; rBruteForce = IsPrimeBruteForce(n); rAKS = IsPrimeAKS(n); if(rBruteForce != rAKS) { printf("n=%llu, IsPrimeBruteForce return: %s, IsPrimeAKS return: %s \n", n, rBruteForce ? "Yes":"No", rAKS ? "Yes" : "No"); } } int main() { if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_VALUE) { TestPrime(5000000051ULL); return 0; } uint64 i; uint64 maxi = 1000; //uint64 ns[] = {3000000019ULL, 3000000015ULL, 5000000029ULL, 5000000039ULL, 5000000051ULL, 29000000000000047ULL, 29000000000000045ULL}; uint64 ns[] = {5000000029ULL, 29000000000000047ULL}; uint32 ns_cnt = sizeof(ns) / sizeof(uint64); printf("1. Begin Small Test...\n"); for(i = 2; i <= maxi; i++) { TestPrime(i); } printf("2. Begin Big Test...\n"); for(i = 0; i < ns_cnt; i++) { TestPrime(ns[i]); } printf("3. Test is over.\n"); return 0; }

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