online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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Source Code   
.386 .MODEL FLAT ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output cr EQU 0dh ; carriage return character Lf EQU 0ah ; line feed .STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack .DATA ; reserve storage for data number1 DWORD ? number2 DWORD ? prompt1 byte " enter first number: ",0 prompt2 byte " enter second number: ",0 voroodi byte 40 dup(?) khorooji byte cr, lf, "the sum is: " sum byte 11 dup(?) byte cr,lf,0 pjz byte cr,lf, "zf = 1",0 pjnz byte cr,lf, "zf = 0",0 pjc byte cr,lf, "cf = 1",0 pjnc byte cr,lf, "cf = 0",0 pjp byte cr,lf, "pf = 1",0 pjnp byte cr,lf, "pf = 0",0 pjo byte cr,lf, "of = 1",0 pjno byte cr,lf, "of = 0",0 pjs byte cr,lf, "sf = 1",0 pjns byte cr,lf, "sf = 0",0 .CODE ; start of main program code _start: output prompt1 input voroodi,40 atod voroodi mov number1,eax output prompt2 input voroodi,40 atod voroodi mov number2,eax mov eax, number1 add eax, number2 dtoa sum,eax output khorooji jc ljc jnc ljnc endjc: jz ljz jnz ljnz endjz: jo ljo jno ljno endjo: jp ljp jnp ljnp endjp: js ljs jns ljns endjs: INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ; exit with return code 0 ljc: output pjc jmp endjc ljnc: output pjnc jmp endjc ljo: output pjo jmp endjo ljno: output pjno jmp endjo ljp: output pjp jmp endjp ljnp: output pjnp jmp endjp ljz: output pjz jmp endjz ljnz: output pjnz jmp endjz ljs: output pjs jmp endjs ljns: output pjns jmp endjs PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public END ; end of source code

Compiling Program...

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Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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