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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define EMPS_SIZE 20 #define SSN_SIZE 9 #define MAX_EMPS 19 typedef struct { int salary; int yearBorn; char ssn[SSN_SIZE]; char * name; } Employee; Employee * emps[EMPS_SIZE]; int totalEmps = 0; void displayEmployee(Employee * person) { printf("\nYou entered the name: %s\nYou entered the year: %d\nYou entered the social security number: ", person -> name, person -> yearBorn); for (int i = 0; i < SSN_SIZE; i++) { if (i == 2) { printf("%c-", person -> ssn[i]); } else if (i == 4) { printf("%c-", person -> ssn[i]); } else if (i == 9) { printf("%c ", person -> ssn[i]); } else { printf("%c", person -> ssn[i]); } } int num = person -> salary / 1000; int num2 = person -> salary % 1000; printf("\nYou entered the salary: $%d,%03d\n\n\n", num, num2); } void readEmployee(Employee * person) { int * inputYearBorn = & person -> yearBorn; int * inputSalary = & person -> salary; char buff[256]; printf("Welcome to the add employee manager!\n\n"); printf("Enter the Employees name: "); scanf("%s", buff); person -> name = malloc(strlen(buff + 1)); strcpy(person -> name, buff); printf("Enter the year the Employee was born: "); scanf("%d", inputYearBorn); printf("Enter the salary the Employee makes: "); scanf("%d", inputSalary); printf("Enter the ssn of the Employee: "); scanf("%s", buff); * person -> ssn = '\0'; strncat(person -> ssn, buff, 9); } void createEmployee(void) { if (totalEmps <= MAX_EMPS) { for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_EMPS; ++i) { if (emps[i] == NULL) { Employee * newEmployee = (Employee * ) malloc(sizeof(Employee)); emps[i] = newEmployee; totalEmps++; readEmployee(newEmployee); break; } } } else { printf("You cannot hire anymore employees\n\n"); } } void releaseEmployee(Employee * person) { free(person -> name); free(person); } void listEmployees(void) { for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_EMPS; i++) { if (emps[i] == NULL) { printf("No employee at : %d\n", i); } else { printf("Employee position in list : %d\n", i); displayEmployee(emps[i]); } } printf("Thats all the employees!\n\n"); } Employee * findEmployee(char * name) { printf("You entered the name: %s\n\n", name); int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalEmps; i++) { if (!strcmp(emps[i] -> name, name)) { printf("%s is an employee, They are at: %d\n", name, i); return emps[i]; } else { counter++; } } printf("This employee doesn't exist\n"); return NULL; } void fireEmployee(char * name) { printf("You entered the name: %s\n\n", name); int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalEmps; i++) { if (!strcmp(emps[i] -> name, name)) { printf("%s is now fired! They were at: %d\n", name, i); free(emps[i]); emps[0] = NULL; return; } else { counter++; } } printf("This employee doesn't exist\n"); return; } int salaryComp(Employee ** a, Employee ** b) { Employee * empA = * a; Employee * empB = * b; if ( & empA -> salary == NULL && & empB -> salary != NULL) { printf("I got here 2\n\n"); return 1; } else if ( & empB -> salary == NULL && & empA -> salary != NULL) { printf("I got here 3\n\n"); return -1; } else if ( & empA -> salary == NULL && & empB -> salary == NULL) { printf("I got 4\n\n"); return -1; } else { printf("empA salary == %d\n", empA -> salary); printf("empB salary == %d\n", empB -> salary); return (empB -> salary - empA -> salary); } } int nameComp(Employee ** a, Employee ** b) { Employee * empA = * a; Employee * empB = * b; if (empA == NULL && empB != NULL) { return 1; } else if (empB == NULL && empA != NULL) { return -1; } else if (empA == NULL && empB == NULL) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } void sort(Employee * base[], int n, int( * compareFunc)(Employee ** , Employee ** )) { qsort((void ** ) base, n, sizeof(void * ), (int( * )(const void * , const void * )) compareFunc); } void main(void) { int end = 1; char * command; char buff[256]; char * findEmp; char findBuff[256]; char * sortType; char sortBuff[256]; char hire[] = "HIRE"; char list[] = "LIST"; char quit[] = "QUIT"; char find[] = "FIND"; char fire[] = "FIRE"; char _sort[] = "SORT"; char salary[] = "SALARY"; char name[] = "NAME"; printf("Welcome to the Employee Manager dashboard!\n"); while (end) { printf("Would you like to HIRE, LIST, FIND, FIRE, SORT, or QUIT?\n\n"); scanf("%s", buff); command = malloc(strlen(buff + 1)); strcpy(command, buff); printf("You entered the command: %s\n\n", command); if (!strcmp(command, hire)) { createEmployee(); } else if (!strcmp(command, list)) { listEmployees(); } else if (!strcmp(command, find)) { printf("Enter an employee name, to find if they are a current employee:\n\n"); scanf("%s", findBuff); findEmp = malloc(strlen(findBuff + 1)); strcpy(findEmp, findBuff); findEmployee(findEmp); } else if (!strcmp(command, fire)) { printf("Enter an employee name, to fire\n\n"); scanf("%s", findBuff); findEmp = malloc(strlen(findBuff + 1)); strcpy(findEmp, findBuff); fireEmployee(findEmp); } else if (!strcmp(command, _sort)) { printf("Would you like to sort by SALARY or NAME?\n\n"); scanf("%s", sortBuff); sortType = malloc(strlen(sortBuff + 1)); strcpy(sortType, sortBuff); if (!strcmp(sortType, name)) { printf("sorting by name\n\n"); sort(emps, EMPS_SIZE, nameComp); listEmployees(); } else if (!strcmp(sortType, salary)) { printf("sorting by salary\n\n"); sort(emps, EMPS_SIZE, salaryComp); listEmployees(); } else { printf("Improper sort type entered, exiting to main menu\n\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(command, quit)) { printf("Quitting the managers dashboard!\n\n"); end = 0; } else { printf("Please enter a proper command\n\n"); } } } void writeEmpToFile(Employee *emp, FILE *f) { fwrite(&emp->salary, sizeof(emp->salary), 1, f); fwrite(&emp->yearBorn, sizeof(emp->yearBorn), 1, f); fwrite(emp->ssn, sizeof(char), SSN_SIZE, f); int len = strlen(emp->name) + 1; fwrite(&len, sizeof(int), 1, f); fwrite(emp->name, sizeof(char), len, f); }

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Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



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