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import random from itertools import permutations def scorecalc(guess, chosen): bulls = cows = 0 for g,c in zip(guess, chosen): if g == c: bulls += 1 elif g in chosen: cows += 1 return bulls, cows print("Wellcom to bulls and cows.") choices = list(permutations('0123456789', 4)) checking = list(permutations('0123456789', 4)) random.shuffle(choices) answers, scores = [], [] comp_number = ''.join(random.sample("0123456789", 4)) while True: print("Your turn.") hum_guess = input("Try to guess my number: ") while not hum_guess.isnumeric() or len(hum_guess) != 4 or tuple(hum_guess) not in checking: hum_guess = input("Invalid input. Please type 4 UNIQUE digits: ") hum_cows = 0 hum_bulls = 0 if hum_guess == comp_number: print(f"Good job! My number was {comp_number}") break for i in range(4): if hum_guess[i] == comp_number[i]: hum_bulls += 1 elif hum_guess[i] in comp_number: hum_cows += 1 print(f"You have {hum_bulls} bulls and {hum_cows} cows") answers.append(choices[0]) if len(choices) == 1: print (f"There are no other options available, so your number is {''.join(choices[0])}") print("Thanks for playing :)") break print(f"My guess is {''.join(choices[0])}") comp_bulls = input("Tell me how many Bulls I have: ") while not comp_bulls.isnumeric() or len(comp_bulls) != 1 or int(comp_bulls) > 4: comp_bulls = input("Invalid input. Please type a number between 1 and 4: ") if int(comp_bulls) == 4: print("Yay. I guessed your number.") print("Thanks for playing :)") break comp_cows = input("Tell me how many Cows I have: ") while not comp_cows.isnumeric() or len(comp_cows) != 1 or int(comp_cows) > 4: comp_cows = input("Invalid input. Please type a number between 1 and 4: ") while int(comp_cows) + int(comp_bulls) > 4: print(f"Invalid input for Bulls: {comp_bulls} and Cows: {comp_cows}.") print("Please check again and tell me the actual number of Bulls and Cows I have.") comp_bulls = input("How many Bulls I have: ") comp_cows = input("How many Cows I have: ") score = (int(comp_bulls), int(comp_cows)) scores.append(score) found = score == (4, 0) choices = [c for c in choices if scorecalc(c, choices[0]) == score] if not choices: print("Something is wrong.. Nothing fits those scores you gave:") print(' ' + '\n '.join(f"{''.join(an)} -> Bulls: {sc[0]} Cows: {sc[1]}" for an,sc in zip(answers, scores))) break

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