online compiler and debugger for c/c++

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/****************************************************************************** Online C++ Compiler. Code, Compile, Run and Debug C++ program online. Write your code in this editor and press "Run" button to compile and execute it. *******************************************************************************/ #include <cstdint> // for std::uint32_t #include <type_traits> // for is_same #include <iostream> // for cout using tU32 = std::uint32_t ; template <typename... Types> struct EnumTypeRegister { constexpr EnumTypeRegister() {} }; template <typename QueriedType, typename Type> constexpr tU32 GetEnumPosition(EnumTypeRegister<Type>) { static_assert(std::is_same<Type, QueriedType>::value, "Unable to get index for type missing in TypeRegister"); return tU32(0U) ; } template <typename QueriedType, typename Type, typename... Types> constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Type, QueriedType>::value, tU32> GetEnumPosition(EnumTypeRegister<Type, Types...>) { return 0U ; } template <typename QueriedType, typename Type, typename... Types> constexpr std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<Type, QueriedType>::value, tU32> GetEnumPosition(EnumTypeRegister<Type, Types...>) { return 1U + GetEnumPosition<QueriedType>(EnumTypeRegister<Types...>()) ; } //for C++17 //template <typename QueriedType, typename Type, typename... Types> //constexpr tU32 GetEnumPosition(EnumTypeRegister<Type, Types...>) //{ // if constexpr (std::is_same<Type, QueriedType>::value) // { // return 0U ; // } else // { // return 1U + GetEnumPosition<QueriedType>(EnumTypeRegister<Types...>()) ; // } //} // //*************** Add new enumaration here ************************************ enum class Cpu_Error { Ok, Alu, Rom, Ram } ; enum class Measure_Error { OutOfLimits, Ok, BadCode } ; enum class My_Error { Error1, Error2, Error3, Error4, Ok } ; // Add enum in the category using CategoryErrorsList = EnumTypeRegister<Cpu_Error, Measure_Error, My_Error>; //*************** !Add new enumaration here ************************************ template<typename T> constexpr tU32 GetCategory(const T) { constexpr CategoryErrorsList categoryErrorsList; return static_cast<tU32>(GetEnumPosition<T>(categoryErrorsList)); } template<typename T> constexpr tU32 GetOk(const T) { return static_cast<tU32>(T::Ok); } class ReturnCode { public: ReturnCode() { } template<class T> explicit ReturnCode(const T initReturnCode): errorValue(static_cast<tU32>(initReturnCode)), errorCategory(GetCategory(initReturnCode)), goodCode(GetOk(initReturnCode)) { static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "The type is not enum") ; } template<class T> operator T() const { //Cast to only enum types static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "The type is not enum") ; return static_cast<T>(errorValue) ; } tU32 GetValue() const { return errorValue; } tU32 GetCategoryValue() const { return errorCategory; } operator bool() const { return (GetValue() != goodCode); } template<class T> ReturnCode& operator=(const T returnCode) { errorValue = static_cast<tU32>(returnCode) ; errorCategory = GetCategory(returnCode) ; goodCode = GetOk(returnCode) ; return *this ; } private: tU32 errorValue = 0U ; tU32 errorCategory = 0U ; tU32 goodCode = 0U ; } ; Cpu_Error CpuCheck() { return Cpu_Error::Ram; } My_Error MyCheck() { return My_Error::Error4; } int main() { ReturnCode result(CpuCheck()); std::cout << "Return code: "<< result.GetValue() << " Return category: "<< result.GetCategoryValue() << std::endl; if (result) //if something wrong { result = MyCheck() ; std::cout << "Return code: "<< result.GetValue() << " Return category: "<< result.GetCategoryValue() << std::endl; } result = Measure_Error::BadCode ; std::cout << "Return code: "<< result.GetValue() << " Return category: "<< result.GetCategoryValue() << std::endl; result = Measure_Error::Ok ; if (!result) //if all is Ok { Measure_Error mError = result ; if (mError == Measure_Error::Ok) { std::cout << "mError: "<< tU32(mError) << std::endl; } } return 0; }

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