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#include <array> #include <cmath> #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include "SimplexNoise.h" enum class Orientation : std::size_t { North, East, South, West }; template<std::size_t MapSize, std::size_t TileSize> class IsometricTileMap final : public sf::Drawable , public sf::Transformable { public: IsometricTileMap() noexcept : orientation_{ Orientation::North } , vertices_{ sf::Quads, MapSize * MapSize * 12u } , position_{ 1.f, 1.f } , simplexNoise_{ 0.2f, 1.f, 2.f, 1.f / 2.f } , heightMap_{} { static_assert( 0u < MapSize && (MapSize & (MapSize - 1u)) == 0u, "MapSize must be greater than 0 and a power of 2" ); static_assert( 0u < TileSize && (TileSize & (TileSize - 1u)) == 0u, "TileSize must be greater than 0 and a power of 2" ); update(); auto bounds = vertices_.getBounds(); setOrigin(bounds.width / 2.f + bounds.left, bounds.height / 2.f +; } void update() noexcept { for(auto y = 0u; y < MapSize; ++y) { for(auto x = 0u; x < MapSize; ++x) { auto *const height = &heightMap_[(x + y * MapSize) * 4u]; float f = simplexNoise_.fractal( static_cast<size_t>(std::log(MapSize)), static_cast<float>(x) / static_cast<float>(MapSize) + (position_.x / static_cast<float>(MapSize)), static_cast<float>(y) / static_cast<float>(MapSize) + (position_.y / static_cast<float>(MapSize)) ); for(auto i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) { height[i] = static_cast<unsigned>(64.f * std::pow((f + 1.f) / 2.f, 3.f)); } } } for(auto y = 0u; y < MapSize; ++y) { for(auto x = 0u; x < MapSize; ++x) { renderBlock(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y)); } } } void renderBlock(float x, float y) noexcept { unsigned *height = nullptr; auto *const block = &vertices_[(x + y * MapSize) * 12u];; switch(orientation_) { case Orientation::North: height = &heightMap_[(x + y * MapSize) * 4u]; break; case Orientation::South: height = &heightMap_[((MapSize - (x + 1u)) + (MapSize - (y + 1u)) * MapSize) * 4u]; break; case Orientation::West: height = &heightMap_[((MapSize - (y + 1u)) + x * MapSize) * 4u]; break; case Orientation::East: height = &heightMap_[(y + (MapSize - (x + 1u)) * MapSize) * 4u]; break; } block[0u].position = { (static_cast<float>(x) - static_cast<float>(y)) * static_cast<float>(TileSize), (static_cast<float>(x) + static_cast<float>(y) - static_cast<float>(height[(0u + static_cast<unsigned>(orientation_)) % 4u]) * 2.f) * static_cast<float>(TileSize) / 2.f }; block[1u].position = { block[0u].position.x + static_cast<float>(TileSize), block[0u].position.y + static_cast<float>(TileSize) / 2.f }; block[2u].position = { block[0u].position.x, block[0u].position.y + static_cast<float>(TileSize) }; block[3u].position = { block[0u].position.x - static_cast<float>(TileSize), block[0u].position.y + static_cast<float>(TileSize) / 2.f }; block[4u].position = block[3u].position; block[5u].position = block[2u].position; block[6u].position = { block[5u].position.x, block[5u].position.y + (static_cast<float>(height[(3u + static_cast<unsigned>(orientation_)) % 4u]) + 1.f) * static_cast<float>(TileSize) }; block[7u].position = { block[4u].position.x, block[4u].position.y + (static_cast<float>(height[(2u + static_cast<unsigned>(orientation_)) % 4u]) + 1.f) * static_cast<float>(TileSize) }; block[8u].position = block[2u].position; block[9u].position = block[1u].position; block[10u].position = { block[9u].position.x, block[9u].position.y + (static_cast<float>(height[(2u + static_cast<unsigned>(orientation_)) % 4u]) + 1.f) * static_cast<float>(TileSize) }; block[11u].position = { block[8u].position.x, block[8u].position.y + (static_cast<float>(height[(1u + static_cast<unsigned>(orientation_)) % 4u]) + 1.f) * static_cast<float>(TileSize) }; for(auto i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) { block[i].color = { 102, 176, 50, 255 }; block[4u + i].color = { 101, 67, 33, 255 }; block[8u + i].color = { 129, 97, 60, 255 }; } } void scroll(Orientation direction) noexcept { switch(direction) { case Orientation::North: position_ += { 0.f, -1.f }; break; case Orientation::South: position_ += { 0.f, 1.f }; break; case Orientation::West: position_ += { -1.f, 0.f }; break; case Orientation::East: position_ += { 1.f, 0.f }; break; } } void rotate(Orientation orientation) noexcept { orientation_ = orientation; } Orientation getOrientation() const noexcept { return orientation_; } private: void draw(sf::RenderTarget& renderTarget, sf::RenderStates renderStates) const override { renderStates.transform *= getTransform(); renderTarget.draw(vertices_, renderStates); } private: Orientation orientation_; sf::VertexArray vertices_; sf::Vector2f position_; SimplexNoise simplexNoise_; std::array<unsigned, MapSize * MapSize * 4u> heightMap_; }; int main() { sf::RenderWindow window{ { 1280u, 720u }, "SFML Application" }; window.setFramerateLimit(60.f); IsometricTileMap<128u, 4u> isoMap; sf::RenderStates renderStates; renderStates.transform.translate( std::abs(static_cast<float>(1280u / 2u) - isoMap.getPosition().x), std::abs(static_cast<float>(720u / 2u) - isoMap.getPosition().y) ); while(window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while(window.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { window.close(); } if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { bool updated = false; switch(event.key.code) { case sf::Keyboard::W: isoMap.scroll(Orientation::North); updated = true; break; case sf::Keyboard::S: isoMap.scroll(Orientation::South); updated = true; break; case sf::Keyboard::A: isoMap.scroll(Orientation::West); updated = true; break; case sf::Keyboard::D: isoMap.scroll(Orientation::East); updated = true; break; case sf::Keyboard::R: isoMap.rotate(static_cast<Orientation>((static_cast<std::size_t>(isoMap.getOrientation()) + 1u) % 4u)); updated = true; break; case sf::Keyboard::Escape: window.close(); break; default: break; } if(updated) { isoMap.update(); updated = false; } } } window.clear(); window.draw(isoMap, renderStates); window.display(); } }

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