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import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { private static final char FULL = '#'; private static final char EMPTY = ' '; private static final int preferredHeight = 14; private static final int preferredWidth = 12; public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.print("Height? "); int height = new Scanner(; float scaleY = (float)height / preferredHeight; float scaleX = scaleY; Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); renderer.Add(new Triangle(new Point(0, 4), new Point(12, 4), new Point(6, 14)).Scale(scaleX, scaleY)); renderer.Add(new Triangle(new Point(0, 10), new Point(12, 10), new Point(6, 0)).Scale(scaleX, scaleY)); renderer.Render(new Point(0, 0), new Point(preferredWidth, preferredHeight).Scale(scaleX, scaleY), FULL, EMPTY); } }
import java.util.ArrayList; public class Renderer { /* Coordinate System: ================== (0,0) +-------------+ | | | | | | +-------------+ (X,Y) */ private final ArrayList<IPlotable> _plotables = new ArrayList<IPlotable>(); public void Add(IPlotable plotable) { _plotables.add(plotable); } public void Render(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight, char fill, char empty) { for (int row = topLeft.y; row <= bottomRight.y; row++) { for (int column = topLeft.x; column <= bottomRight.x; column++) System.out.print(PlotAny(new Point(column, row)) ? fill : empty); System.out.println(); } } private boolean PlotAny(Point point) { for (IPlotable plotable : _plotables) if (plotable.Plot(point)) return true; return false; } }
public class Triangle implements IPlotable { // The line segments (sides) of the triangle private LineSegment[] _lineSegments; // The verticies of the triangle. Stored for scaling purposes only. private Point _v1; private Point _v2; private Point _v3; public Triangle(Point v1, Point v2, Point v3) { _v1 = v1; _v2 = v2; _v3 = v3; _lineSegments = new LineSegment[3]; _lineSegments[0] = new LineSegment(v1, v2); _lineSegments[1] = new LineSegment(v2, v3); _lineSegments[2] = new LineSegment(v3, v1); } public boolean Plot(Point vertex) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (_lineSegments[i].Plot(vertex)) return true; return false; } public Triangle Scale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { _v1.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); _v2.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); _v3.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _lineSegments[i].CalculateParameters(); return this; } }
public class Point { public int x; public int y; public Point(int x_, int y_) { x = x_; y = y_; } public Point Scale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { x = java.lang.Math.round(x * scaleX); y = java.lang.Math.round(y * scaleY); return this; } }
public class LineSegment implements IPlotable { // The vertices of the line segment public final Point v1; public final Point v2; private float _m; // The slope of the line private float _b; // The point where the line would cross the Y axis private boolean _leftToRight; // The vertical direction private boolean _topToBottom; // The horizontal direction public LineSegment(Point v1_, Point v2_) { v1 = v1_; v2 = v2_; CalculateParameters(); } public void CalculateParameters() { float xOffset = v2.x - v1.x; float yOffset = v2.y - v1.y; if (xOffset == 0.0) { _m = Float.NaN; _b = Float.NaN; } else { _m = yOffset / xOffset; _b = v1.y - _m * v1.x; } _leftToRight = xOffset >= 0.0; _topToBottom = yOffset >= 0.0; } private boolean IsContainedX(int x) { return _leftToRight && v1.x <= x && x <= v2.x || !_leftToRight && v2.x <= x && x <= v1.x; } private boolean IsContainedY(int y) { return _topToBottom && v1.y <= y && y <= v2.y || !_topToBottom && v2.y <= y && y <= v1.y; } public boolean Plot(Point vertex) { //y = mx + b //x = (y - b) / m; if (Float.isNaN(_m)) return vertex.x == v1.x && IsContainedY(vertex.y); /* System.out.println("x: " + vertex.x + "\ty: " + vertex.y); System.out.println("IsContainedX(vertex.x): " + IsContainedX(vertex.x)); System.out.println("IsContainedY(vertex.y): " + IsContainedY(vertex.y)); System.out.println("(vertex.x * _m + _b): " + (vertex.x * _m + _b)); */ return IsContainedX(vertex.x) && IsContainedY(vertex.y) && (-0.5 <= _m && _m <= 0.5 && java.lang.Math.round(vertex.x * _m + _b) == vertex.y || (_m < -0.5 || 0.5 < _m) && java.lang.Math.round((vertex.y - _b) / _m) == vertex.x); } public LineSegment Scale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { v1.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); v2.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); CalculateParameters(); return this; } }
interface IPlotable { public boolean Plot(Point vertex); }

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