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//ABEDN adder; // MIT License; //Author - Yuri Spiridonov, ORCID 0000-0002-1260-8908; //Code example in C++. The code implements binary decimal //equivalents (ABEDN) arithmetic. //See //The binary Number _ BEDN is the binary equivalent //of the decimal Number if the decimal value of Number _ BEDN //has the same number of significant digits that can be //trusted as Number. //An example is given of adding the positive decimal numbers //number1 and number2 represented by the binary equivalents //of number1_BEDN and number2_BEDN in float. The binary sum //S_number = number1_BEDN + number2_BEDN is correctly rounded //to S_number_BEDN and compared bitwise to number3_BEDN, which //is the binary equivalent of the decimal constant number3. //The summation is carried out with decimal precision to N<=6 //significant digits, which can be trusted. The precision N is //user-defined and is a global constant. The positive numbers //number1 and number2 can have up to 7 decimal significant //digits. These numbers are written in natural form or in //scientific notation. Decimal input constants have a maximum //decimal exponent of E=44. //Optionally, the result can be displayed as a string in //floating point decimal format with a decimal integer //mantissa. For example, like 123E-26. #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int k, N = 6; unsigned int N_C; float RoundB (float *num); int main() { float S_number,number1,number2,number3; float S_number_BEDN,number1_BEDN,number2_BEDN,number3_BEDN; number1 = 0.1111111E-21; number2 = 0.2222222E-21; number3 = 0.3333333E-21; //Determination of binary equivalents of decimal numbers; number1_BEDN = RoundB(&number1); number2_BEDN = RoundB(&number2); number3_BEDN = RoundB(&number3); S_number = number1_BEDN + number2_BEDN; S_number_BEDN= RoundB(&S_number); cout<<endl <<"RoundD "<<N_C<<"E"<<-k<<'\n'; if(S_number_BEDN ==number3_BEDN){ cout<<endl <<"It's true "<<'\n'; return 0; } cout<<endl <<"It's false "<<0<<'\n'; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// //Decimal rounding float; float RoundB (float *num){ float B_Round,X; int e,E; //Exponent of binary equivalent of rounded decimal number; frexp (*num,&e); //Number correction to disambiguate representation decimal X_number //in binary form; X = *num+pow(2,(e-24)); // Calculating the exponent of a decimal X_number; E =static_cast <int> ((e-1)*0.301+1); // Decimal exponent correction for e<1 case; if (e<1) E = E-1; // Calculating the rounding factor; k = N-E; //Checking if the value of the rounded number needs to be corrected; if (abs(X*pow(10,k)) >= pow(10,N)){ k = k-1; } // Calculating integer mantissa N_C for a rounded number; N_C =static_cast <unsigned int> (X*pow(10,k)+0.5); // Converting a decimal rounded number to its binary equivalent; B_Round = N_C*pow(10,-k); return B_Round; }

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