online compiler and debugger for c/c++

code. compile. run. debug. share.
Source Code    Language
board=list(''' | | -|-|- | | -|-|- | | ''') print (*board) while (not board[1] or " "==board[3] or " "==board[5] or " " and not board[13]==board[15]==board[17] and not board[24]==board[26]==board[28] and not board[1]==board[15]==board[28] and not board[5]==board[15]==board[24]): x_move=input ("it is x's turn where would you like to go (1-9): ") if (int(x_move)==1): board[1]="x" elif (int(x_move)==2): board[3]="x" elif (int(int(x_move))==3): board[5]="x" elif (int(x_move)==4): board[13]="x" elif (int(x_move)==5): board[15]="x" elif (int(x_move)==6): board[17]="x" elif (int(x_move)==7): board[24]="x" elif (int(x_move)==8): board[26]="x" elif (int(x_move)==9): board[28]="x" print("\033c") # This clears the console using an octal escape sequence print (*board) o_move=input ("it is o's turn where would you like to go (1-9): ") if (int(o_move)==1): board[1]="o" elif (int(o_move)==2): board[3]="o" elif (int(o_move)==3): board[5]="o" elif (int(o_move)==4): board[13]="o" elif (int(o_move)==5): board[15]="o" elif (int(o_move)==6): board[17]="o" elif (int(o_move)==7): board[24]="o" elif (int(o_move)==8): board[26]="o" elif (int(o_move)==9): board[28]="o" print("\033c") # This clears the console using an octal escape sequence print (*board)

Compiling Program...

Command line arguments:
Standard Input: Interactive Console Text



Program is not being debugged. Click "Debug" button to start program in debug mode.
